So you wanted to open a
community pottery studio…

You love clay and you knew others would too.
So why NOT open a studio of your own?

The first time you touched clay it was both cold, mushy and yes…exciting. You got at the wheel, or pinched your first pot and found out…DAMN this is hard! But you were hooked. You embraced the failures and the successes. And I’m sure you still have your first mug that you held high with pride!

Whether is was a life change, college class or for most, COVID. You finally found time to Play with Clay. Then during the Pandemic, studios starting popping up everywhere. The importance of experience was both sellable and marketable and mayb the studio you attended could have been doing things a bit better. (In your opinion)

So you figured, why not open a studio of your own!

So you bought some wheels, a kiln, couple of shelves, some stools. Got yourself a website, a SM page or three and thought if you built it, they will come and it will be 24/7 clay FUN!!

Ha… then it began. Being an entrepreneur of any industry is hard and Community Clay Studio was NO different.

“I can’t tell you how much my life has improved since I’ve joined the studio. ”

~ Vicki, mud member

Get started with Mudgirl Clay Consulting today.